I've got a basic understanding of SQL, but am at a deadend here. I'm trying to directly update one table with the values from another where there is a mismatch (the tables are supposed to be in sync sharing the same keys) using SQLPLUS - I'm trying this in the Test area rather than on live data until I can get it right.
The following SQL retrieves the rows where there is a mismatch on the fields post.negb_c and zpost.neg:
I want to update the mismatched values in the NEGB_C field on the post table with the values of NEG from the zpost table; however, I simply can't work out the exact syntax. My last effort was:
which returns
ERROR at line 9:
ORA-00904: invalid column name
I've consulted the Oracle SQL reference, and various tutorials but can't seem to nail it. Anyone any ideas where I'm going wrong here?
Many thanks
Laters, Z
"42??? We're going to get lynched!
I've got a basic understanding of SQL, but am at a deadend here. I'm trying to directly update one table with the values from another where there is a mismatch (the tables are supposed to be in sync sharing the same keys) using SQLPLUS - I'm trying this in the Test area rather than on live data until I can get it right.
The following SQL retrieves the rows where there is a mismatch on the fields post.negb_c and zpost.neg:
select p.post_no,
from zpost z,
post p
where z.post_no=p.post_no
and z.org_no=p.org_no
and z.neg<>p.negb_c;
I want to update the mismatched values in the NEGB_C field on the post table with the values of NEG from the zpost table; however, I simply can't work out the exact syntax. My last effort was:
update post
set negb_c = (select neg from zpost
where post.org_no = zpost.org_no
and post.post_No = zpost_no
and zpost.post_no is not null)
Where EXISTS (select 1 from zpost
where post.post_no = zpost.post_no
and post.org_no = zpost.org_no
and post.negb_c <> zpost.neg
and zpost.post_no is not null);
ERROR at line 9:
ORA-00904: invalid column name
I've consulted the Oracle SQL reference, and various tutorials but can't seem to nail it. Anyone any ideas where I'm going wrong here?
Many thanks
Laters, Z
"42??? We're going to get lynched!