I'm trying to connect to my DB2 database server using the core ODBC functions SQLConnect() and SQLDriverConnect.
I can connect fine from within the Microsoft ODBC Administrator but not when using these functions.
The message I get back is
08001 IBMCLI Driver CLI0199E Invalid connection string attribute. SQLSTATE=08001 (-99999)
I am using the following code:
connectionString = "DSN=" & serverDSN & ";UID=" & user & ";PWD=" & password & ";"
iReturn = SQLDriverConnect(hDBC, 0, connectionString, Len(connectionString), strOut, Len(strOut), Cbout, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE)
or just
iReturn = SQLConnect(hDBC, serverDSN, SQL_NTS, user, SQL_NTS, password, SQL_NTS)
I can connect if I don't use an ODBC DSN with the following connection string:
connectionString = "Driver={" & odbcDriver & "};Database=" & dbAlias & ";Hostname=" & serverName & ";Port=" & port & ";Protocol=TCPIP;Uid=" & user & ";Pwd=" & password & ";"
However I would prefer to use the DSN rather that store all these additional data
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to connect to my DB2 database server using the core ODBC functions SQLConnect() and SQLDriverConnect.
I can connect fine from within the Microsoft ODBC Administrator but not when using these functions.
The message I get back is
08001 IBMCLI Driver CLI0199E Invalid connection string attribute. SQLSTATE=08001 (-99999)
I am using the following code:
connectionString = "DSN=" & serverDSN & ";UID=" & user & ";PWD=" & password & ";"
iReturn = SQLDriverConnect(hDBC, 0, connectionString, Len(connectionString), strOut, Len(strOut), Cbout, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE)
or just
iReturn = SQLConnect(hDBC, serverDSN, SQL_NTS, user, SQL_NTS, password, SQL_NTS)
I can connect if I don't use an ODBC DSN with the following connection string:
connectionString = "Driver={" & odbcDriver & "};Database=" & dbAlias & ";Hostname=" & serverName & ";Port=" & port & ";Protocol=TCPIP;Uid=" & user & ";Pwd=" & password & ";"
However I would prefer to use the DSN rather that store all these additional data
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,