Anyone know if SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD can be used in the following contex in postgreSQL ODBC?
retcode = SQLGetConnectAttr(dbch, SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD, &ValuePtr, 0, &StringLengthPtr);
SQLGetDiagRec produces an SQLState of HY009 and message of 'Unknown Connect Option (Get)'.
Bottom line, I'm attempting to check to see if my connection is still available to the database. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
retcode = SQLGetConnectAttr(dbch, SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD, &ValuePtr, 0, &StringLengthPtr);
SQLGetDiagRec produces an SQLState of HY009 and message of 'Unknown Connect Option (Get)'.
Bottom line, I'm attempting to check to see if my connection is still available to the database. Thanks in advance for any assistance.