I am amending some SQL to create a report (see below). The SQL work fine when executed in Oracle. However, when I run the query from Foxpro (using SQLEXEC) all the data returns correctly apart from the last column (nperiod). This just shows as a series of NULL's.
The links between the tables used are
INVHD - Invoice header table (links using ninvref)
INVHD - Invoice line table (links using ninvref)
SUPPLIER - Supplier View (links through csupplref)
PAYDETAIL - Payments details table (links through payref)
OAPPARAM - Holds parameters for finacial year periods (no direct link to any of the above. Looks up value based upon date field in the PAYDETAIL table)
Unfortunately I cannot change the structure of the tables. The original code created a cartesian join in order to get this query to work but that slows down the database and caused errors by using all tempoary tablespace.
I can't see why a statement would work if run in a querying tool against the oracle database and wouldn't work if run via VFP. Any ideas anyone?
Mark Davies
Warwickshire County Council
The links between the tables used are
INVHD - Invoice header table (links using ninvref)
INVHD - Invoice line table (links using ninvref)
SUPPLIER - Supplier View (links through csupplref)
PAYDETAIL - Payments details table (links through payref)
OAPPARAM - Holds parameters for finacial year periods (no direct link to any of the above. Looks up value based upon date field in the PAYDETAIL table)
Unfortunately I cannot change the structure of the tables. The original code created a cartesian join in order to get this query to work but that slows down the database and caused errors by using all tempoary tablespace.
I can't see why a statement would work if run in a querying tool against the oracle database and wouldn't work if run via VFP. Any ideas anyone?
/* Formatted on 2009/04/17 08:40 (Formatter Plus v4.8.7) */
SELECT ID.crespoff crespoff, ih.ninvref ninvref, ih.cinvoiceno cinvref,
SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (ih.dinvdate, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 1, 10) dinvdate,
SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (ID.dauthdt, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 1, 10) dauthdate,
ih.nvatamount nvatamount, ih.nvate nvate, ih.ninvtot ninvtot,
ih.ninvtote ninvtote, ih.cmultioff cmultioff, ih.coapsrce cdispind,
ih.nseqnum nseqnum, ID.nlinetot nlinetot, ID.nlinetote nlinetote,
su.csuppname csuppname, su.csupptype csupptype,
DECODE (ih.nsuppterm, 0, su.nsuppterm, ih.nsuppterm) nsuppterm,
SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (pd.dpaydate, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 1, 10) dpaydate,
SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (pd.deffectdte, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 1, 10) deffdate,
DECODE (SIGN (ih.dreceived - ih.dinvdate),
1, (TRUNC (pd.deffectdte) + 1) - TRUNC (ih.dreceived),
(TRUNC (pd.deffectdte) + 1
) - (TRUNC (ih.dinvdate) + 2)
) nelapsed,
( DECODE (SIGN (ih.dreceived - ih.dinvdate),
1, (TRUNC (pd.deffectdte) + 1) - TRUNC (ih.dreceived),
(TRUNC (pd.deffectdte) + 1
) - (TRUNC (ih.dinvdate) + 2)
- DECODE (ih.nsuppterm, 0, su.nsuppterm, ih.nsuppterm)
) ndelay,
0 nactelapse, 0 nactlate,
SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (ih.dreceived, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 1, 10) dreceived,
ID.cfinyear cfinyear,
(SELECT ncode
FROM oapall.oapparam
WHERE csection = 'FP'
AND TO_DATE (pd.deffectdte, 'DD/MM/YYYY') BETWEEN ddatevalid
AND ddateend)
FROM euop2.invhd ih,
euop2.invdt ID,
euop2.supplier su,
euop2.paydetail pd
WHERE ID.ninvref = ih.ninvref
AND pd.cpayref = ih.cpayref
AND su.csupplref = ih.csupplref
AND ih.cdoctype = 'I'
AND ih.coapsrce <> 'S'
AND (pd.deffectdte >= TO_DATE ('01/03/2008', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
AND (pd.deffectdte <= TO_DATE ('31/03/2008', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 18, 5
Mark Davies
Warwickshire County Council