I need a query that will update only the first record returned. In addition, I need to be able to sort so it will update only the lowest value for the primary key. Here is what I have so far and it is not working. I get the error 'Unable to parse query text.' when I am in query builder. When I debug the appliction I get a syntax error.
UPDATE TOP (1) [table name]
SET field1 = @LANID
WHERE (field2 = false) AND field3 = false) AND (field4 = false) AND (field5 = false) AND (field6 = false)
ORDER BY primary_key
How can I do this?
UPDATE TOP (1) [table name]
SET field1 = @LANID
WHERE (field2 = false) AND field3 = false) AND (field4 = false) AND (field5 = false) AND (field6 = false)
ORDER BY primary_key
How can I do this?