There may be multiple line in the table that match the sql statement below. Can this code be changed to delete them all instead only one of do I have to open up a record set of the table and put some kind of Do/Loop in ?
SQLStmnt = "delete FROM tbl1 WHERE [File] = '" & strRef & _
"' AND Inv = '" & strInv & "' AND Field2 = '" & strField2 & _
"' AND LineNum = " & strLine
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute SQLStmnt
SQLStmnt = "delete FROM tbl1 WHERE [File] = '" & strRef & _
"' AND Inv = '" & strInv & "' AND Field2 = '" & strField2 & _
"' AND LineNum = " & strLine
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute SQLStmnt