So far, I find PROGRESS to be the most frustrating, obtuse database program ever!
But then again I haven't been around that much
I'm trying to group by
LEFT(a.company_name,3), sp.qty, p.name
Progress doesn't like my syntax, however its not cooperating in giving me any idea why.
Here's the whole thing...
Select LEFT(a.company_name,3)AS AU, sp.qty,p.name,
From PUB.Subscriber u INNER JOIN PUB.Account a ON u.uid_account = a.uid_account INNER JOIN PUB.Subscriber_Services ss
ON u.uid_subscriber = ss.uid_subscriber INNER JOIN PUB.Subscriber_products sp ON ss.uid_subscriber_services = sp.uid_subscriber_services INNER JOIN PUB.Products p
ON sp.uid_products = p.uid_products
WHERE ss.svc_status LIKE 'A'
GROUP BY LEFT(a.company_name,3),sp.qty,p.name
I've tried all kinds of ways on this...is there some place one could point me to on the finer points of trying to write SQL select statements in Progress' SQL Explorer?
BTW: thanks for sticking it through the rant up there!
~~~>-/O~~~~~swimming right along
So far, I find PROGRESS to be the most frustrating, obtuse database program ever!
But then again I haven't been around that much
I'm trying to group by
LEFT(a.company_name,3), sp.qty, p.name
Progress doesn't like my syntax, however its not cooperating in giving me any idea why.
Here's the whole thing...
Select LEFT(a.company_name,3)AS AU, sp.qty,p.name,
From PUB.Subscriber u INNER JOIN PUB.Account a ON u.uid_account = a.uid_account INNER JOIN PUB.Subscriber_Services ss
ON u.uid_subscriber = ss.uid_subscriber INNER JOIN PUB.Subscriber_products sp ON ss.uid_subscriber_services = sp.uid_subscriber_services INNER JOIN PUB.Products p
ON sp.uid_products = p.uid_products
WHERE ss.svc_status LIKE 'A'
GROUP BY LEFT(a.company_name,3),sp.qty,p.name
I've tried all kinds of ways on this...is there some place one could point me to on the finer points of trying to write SQL select statements in Progress' SQL Explorer?
BTW: thanks for sticking it through the rant up there!
~~~>-/O~~~~~swimming right along