One of our new SQL Servers had some issues today. It failed to let any logins take place, yet we could log onto the physical server itself via Remote Desktop without problems. CPU was up at 90% most of the time (normal range is 15%-25%). Only thing I could do was restart the box. After a restart, we could log in successfully, and the application could as well. Resources appeared normal again. When I looked in the SQL Logs, I saw a bunch of lines displaying a memory dump, or something to that effect. Below is a partial extraction from the log file. I'm not really sure what to make of it all. Anyone know what this means, or what I should be looking for to locate the cause for everything to become unresponsive?
Server Specs
Windows Server 2003 SP1
SQL Server 2005 Standard 64-bit
Dual-Socket, Dual-Core @ 3.0 GHz
8 GB Memory
MDF and LDF files on two separate SAS arrays (both RAID 1/0; 10 disks on each channel).
TempDB files on separate drives as well.
-Ovatvvon :-Q
Server Specs
Windows Server 2003 SP1
SQL Server 2005 Standard 64-bit
Dual-Socket, Dual-Core @ 3.0 GHz
8 GB Memory
MDF and LDF files on two separate SAS arrays (both RAID 1/0; 10 disks on each channel).
TempDB files on separate drives as well.
dump said:Date,Source,Severity,Message 06/19/2007 14:16:53,Server,Unknown,SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 06/19/2007 14:00:32,Server,Unknown,External dump process return code 0x20000001.External dump process returned no errors. 06/19/2007 13:54:59,Server,Unknown,Stack Signature for the dump is 0x0000000000000015 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* Short Stack Dump 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* ******************************************************************************* 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* Non-yielding IOCP Listener 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* 06/19/07 13:54:58 spid 0 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* BEGIN STACK DUMP: 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,* ******************************************************************************* 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,***Stack Dump being sent to F:\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump0001.txt 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,**Dump thread - spid = 0 PSS = 0x0000000000000000 EC = 0x0000000000000000 06/19/2007 13:54:58,Server,Unknown,Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5' 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,MEMORYBROKER_FOR_RESERVE Allocations = 186994 Rate = 0 Target Allocations = 566726 Future Allocations = 193761 Last Notification = GROW 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,MEMORYBROKER_FOR_STEAL Allocations = 13834 Rate = 0 Target Allocations = 386799 Future Allocations = 0 Last Notification = GROW 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,MEMORYBROKER_FOR_CACHE Allocations = 415462 Rate = 0 Target Allocations = 788427 Future Allocations = 0 Last Notification = GROW 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Big Gateway Configured Units = 1 Available Units = 1 Acquires = 0 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 8 Threshold = -1 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Medium Gateway Configured Units = 4 Available Units = 4 Acquires = 0 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 12 Threshold = -1 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Small Gateway Configured Units = 16 Available Units = 16 Acquires = 0 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 380000 Threshold = 380000 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Optimization Queue Overall Memory = 6884352000 Target Memory = 3168657408 Last Notification = GROW Timeout = 6 Early Termination Factor = 5 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Small Query Memory Objects: Grants=0 Waiting=0 Maximum=12800 Available=12800 Limit=12800 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Query Memory Objects: Next Request=0 Waiting For=0 Cost=0 Timeout=0 Wait Time=0 Last Target=531300 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Query Memory Objects: Grants=2 Waiting=0 Maximum=518500 Available=331506 Limit=518500 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Global Memory Objects: Resource= 486 Locks= 429 SE Schema Mgr= 2379 SQLCache= 7252 Replication= 2 ServerGlobal= 50 XPGlobal= 2 Xact= 50 SETLS= 4 DatasetMemObjs= 8 SubpDescPmos= 4 SortTables= 2 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Process physical/virtual memory pressure: 0/0 System physical memory pressure: 0 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=111794 TotalPages=332555 InUsePages=443 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Buffer Counts: Committed=1032192 Target=1048445 Hashed=567388 Internal Reservation=209689 External Reservation=151539 Stolen Potential=379679 Min Free=128 Visible=1048445 Available Paging File=798101504 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,Buffer Distribution: Stolen=49346 Free=0 Cached=415458 Database (clean)=565114 Database (dirty)=2271 I/O=0 Latched=3 06/19/2007 13:26:25,spid3s,Unknown,OBJECTSTORE_LOCK_MANAGER (Total) VM Reserved = 32768 KB VM Committed = 32768 KB AWE Allocated = 0 KB SM Reserved = 0 KB SM Committed = 0 KB SinglePage Allocator = 3408 KB MultiPage Allocator = 0 KB 06/19/2007
-Ovatvvon :-Q