Does this look OK to everyone:
SQL = "UPDATE externalcompany"
SQL = SQL + " SET CompanyName = '" & companyname & "', addresslineone= '" & addresslineone & "', Addesslinetwo= '" & addresslinetwo & "', citytown= '" & citytown & "', postcode= '" & postcode & "', LoB= '" & LoB & "', Business = '" & Business & "', Date1= '" & date1 & "'"
SQL = SQL + " WHERE CompanyID = '" & ID & "';"
I get an expected 1 error but I know I'm getting all the variables through as I've tested them, is the syntax OK.
SQL = "UPDATE externalcompany"
SQL = SQL + " SET CompanyName = '" & companyname & "', addresslineone= '" & addresslineone & "', Addesslinetwo= '" & addresslinetwo & "', citytown= '" & citytown & "', postcode= '" & postcode & "', LoB= '" & LoB & "', Business = '" & Business & "', Date1= '" & date1 & "'"
SQL = SQL + " WHERE CompanyID = '" & ID & "';"
I get an expected 1 error but I know I'm getting all the variables through as I've tested them, is the syntax OK.