I'm trying to get some information out of a couple of Access tables using a SQL statement, to wit:
The "U" variable values were all pulled from the previous page.
When I try to run this, I get the Object Required error with a '"' on the end
What am I doing wrong?
' Retrieve all data from the Form
UUserID = Request.Form("XUserID")
UProjNo = Request.Form("XProjNo")
UProjName = Request.Form("XProjName")
UProjDesc = Request.Form("XProjDesc")
UProjCompDate = Request.Form("XProjCompDate")
UCompApprovedBy = Request.Form("XCompApprovedBy")
UStatusCode = Request.Form("XStatusCode")
UProjRemarks = Request.Form("XProjRemarks")
mysql = "SELECT tblProjects.ProjectNo, tblProjects.ProjectName, tblUserValidation.strName, "
mysql = mysql & "tblUserValidation.StrEmail "
mysql = mysql & "FROM tblProjects INNER JOIN tblUserValidation ON tblProjects.Manager = tblUserValidation.UserID "
mysql = mysql & "WHERE tblProjects.ProjectNo = "& cint(UProjNo)
'response.Write mysql
rcset.Open mysql, objconn
When I try to run this, I get the Object Required error with a '"' on the end
What am I doing wrong?