I am very new to VBA, so please bear with me as I try to describe what is probably a VERY simple situation.
I need to calculate the MEDIAN value of the [AGE] field in each year, from a table that has records with AGE & YEAR for many different years.
I found a VBA function MEDIAN(tablename,fieldname) that can give me the MEDIAN of all the ages in the table, but i need to have it provide the MEDIAN for a particular year.
So I added a paramter to the function - VarYear, and modified the code to this:
Function Median(tName$, fldName$, VarYear$) As String
Dim MedianDB As Database
Dim ssMedian As Recordset
Dim RCount%, i%, x%, y%, OffSet%
Dim Year, EvalYear As Integer
Set MedianDB = CurrentDb()
EvalYear = VarYear$
Set ssMedian = MedianDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT [" & fldName$ & "] FROM [" & tName$ & "] WHERE (([" & fldName$ & "]>0) AND ([Year]= EvalYear )) ORDER BY [" & fldName$ & "]"
RCount% = ssMedian.RecordCount
x% = RCount% Mod 2
If x% <> 0 Then
OffSet% = ((RCount% + 1) / 2) - 2
For i% = 0 To OffSet%
Next i
Median = ssMedian(fldName$)
OffSet% = (RCount% / 2) - 2
For i% = 0 To OffSet%
Next i
x% = ssMedian(fldName$)
y% = ssMedian(fldName$)
Median = (x% + y%) / 2
End If
End Function
The code always gets hung-up on the SELECT statement - with 'runtime error # 3061 -- too few parameters, expected 1'
What confuses me is that if instead of using the variable "EvalYear" in the WHERE criteria, if I just type in a year ( ie "2001" it works fine ... I get the MEDIAN AGE for the records from with YEAR = 2001. So it seems like the logic of my modifications to the code works OK. The problem is my ignorance as to how to use the variable value into the SELECT statement.
I'm sure it is something VERY simple, I just don't know what it is
I need to calculate the MEDIAN value of the [AGE] field in each year, from a table that has records with AGE & YEAR for many different years.
I found a VBA function MEDIAN(tablename,fieldname) that can give me the MEDIAN of all the ages in the table, but i need to have it provide the MEDIAN for a particular year.
So I added a paramter to the function - VarYear, and modified the code to this:
Function Median(tName$, fldName$, VarYear$) As String
Dim MedianDB As Database
Dim ssMedian As Recordset
Dim RCount%, i%, x%, y%, OffSet%
Dim Year, EvalYear As Integer
Set MedianDB = CurrentDb()
EvalYear = VarYear$
Set ssMedian = MedianDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT [" & fldName$ & "] FROM [" & tName$ & "] WHERE (([" & fldName$ & "]>0) AND ([Year]= EvalYear )) ORDER BY [" & fldName$ & "]"
RCount% = ssMedian.RecordCount
x% = RCount% Mod 2
If x% <> 0 Then
OffSet% = ((RCount% + 1) / 2) - 2
For i% = 0 To OffSet%
Next i
Median = ssMedian(fldName$)
OffSet% = (RCount% / 2) - 2
For i% = 0 To OffSet%
Next i
x% = ssMedian(fldName$)
y% = ssMedian(fldName$)
Median = (x% + y%) / 2
End If
End Function
The code always gets hung-up on the SELECT statement - with 'runtime error # 3061 -- too few parameters, expected 1'
What confuses me is that if instead of using the variable "EvalYear" in the WHERE criteria, if I just type in a year ( ie "2001" it works fine ... I get the MEDIAN AGE for the records from with YEAR = 2001. So it seems like the logic of my modifications to the code works OK. The problem is my ignorance as to how to use the variable value into the SELECT statement.
I'm sure it is something VERY simple, I just don't know what it is