I'm having an issue with the following procedure:
When I run with the adAsyncExecute parameter, it stops the procedure executing properly, possibly as a result of closing the connection? Although commenting the conn.Close line give sporadic results - sometimes it runs, sometimes not. Besides which, I don't want to be leaving loads of stray connections hanging around.
The procedure being called is a one line sproc that executes another procedure in turn, which executes a whole bunch of other sprocs.
I need to run asynch as the call is from an Access Db and I want to display a progress screen. Without the asynch, the progress sub I've written doesn't fire until the sproc is done. Which is kind of pointless...
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Iain
<originally posted in the wrong forum, so apologies for cross-posting>
I'm having an issue with the following procedure:
Public Sub Exec_Asynch_ADO(strProcName As String, intScenarioId As Integer)
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim strConn As String
' revised connection string post deployment
strConn = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
"Server=MyServer;" & _
"Database=MyDB;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI"
' open the connection and execute the procedure
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open strConn
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd.CommandText = strProcName
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@scenario_id", adInteger, adParamInput, 36, intScenarioId)
cmd.Execute , , adAsyncExecute + adExecuteNoRecords
' cleanup
Set cmd = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Sub
When I run with the adAsyncExecute parameter, it stops the procedure executing properly, possibly as a result of closing the connection? Although commenting the conn.Close line give sporadic results - sometimes it runs, sometimes not. Besides which, I don't want to be leaving loads of stray connections hanging around.
The procedure being called is a one line sproc that executes another procedure in turn, which executes a whole bunch of other sprocs.
I need to run asynch as the call is from an Access Db and I want to display a progress screen. Without the asynch, the progress sub I've written doesn't fire until the sproc is done. Which is kind of pointless...
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Iain
<originally posted in the wrong forum, so apologies for cross-posting>