hi all....
i have this SQL database working on sql server 2000 and the database stores arabic data. i connect to it through my site using a DSN. and i am using arabic collation for my database (SQL_LATIN1_GENERAL-CP1256_CI_AS). The problem is that when a user accesses the site it loads the arabic perfectly on it for a little time, after which it becomes question marks (??????? ?????) ...
anyone has any idea how to make the ODBC connection stable with arabic or to connect directly to the databse like a Access db...
i have this SQL database working on sql server 2000 and the database stores arabic data. i connect to it through my site using a DSN. and i am using arabic collation for my database (SQL_LATIN1_GENERAL-CP1256_CI_AS). The problem is that when a user accesses the site it loads the arabic perfectly on it for a little time, after which it becomes question marks (??????? ?????) ...
anyone has any idea how to make the ODBC connection stable with arabic or to connect directly to the databse like a Access db...