Hi Guys
Please help...
I want to change the below code so that I can change the actual database which the sql tables are linked to... can someone please help on what needs to be done.
Help appreciated.
my current Code below.
Thanks so much.
Please help...
I want to change the below code so that I can change the actual database which the sql tables are linked to... can someone please help on what needs to be done.
Help appreciated.
my current Code below.
On Error GoTo ErrODBC
Dim wsApp As Workspace
Dim dbApp As Database
Dim dbODBC As Database
Dim sODBC As String
Dim iTable As Integer
Dim bOk As Integer
Dim sName As String
Dim tdODBC As TableDef
' Build ODBC connect string
sODBC = sODBC & "UID=" & sUser & ";"
sODBC = sODBC & "PWD=" & sPassword & ";"
sODBC = sODBC & "DSN=" & sDSN & ";"
' Attempt Connect
Set wsApp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbODBC = wsApp.OpenDatabase("", False, False, sODBC)
Set dbApp = wsApp.Databases(0)
' Attach all non-system tables
iTable = 0
bOk = True
Do While iTable < dbODBC.TableDefs.Count
sName = dbODBC.TableDefs(iTable).Name
' Format attachment name
If InStr(1, sName, ".") > 0 Then
sName = Right(sName, Len(sName) - InStr(1, sName, "."))
End If
' Is it a non-system table
If dbODBC.TableDefs(iTable).Attributes = 0 And Left(sName, 3) <> "sys" And sName <> "dtproperties" Then
sName = sPrefix & sName
g_ODBCAttach = "Attaching " & sName: Debug.Print g_ODBCAttach;
On Error Resume Next
' Delete existing attachment
If TableExists(sName) Then
g_ODBCAttach = String(20 - Len(sName), "."): Debug.Print g_ODBCAttach;
dbApp.TableDefs.Delete sName
End If
On Error GoTo ErrODBC
' Attach
g_ODBCAttach = ".": Debug.Print g_ODBCAttach;
Set tdODBC = dbApp.CreateTableDef(sName, dbAttachSavePWD, dbODBC.TableDefs(iTable).Name, sODBC)
g_ODBCAttach = ".": Debug.Print g_ODBCAttach;
dbApp.TableDefs.Append tdODBC
g_ODBCAttach = ".Done": Debug.Print g_ODBCAttach
g_ODBCAttach = "Skipped system table " & sName: Debug.Print g_ODBCAttach
End If
iTable = iTable + 1
Exit Function
MsgBox Error
ODBCAttach = False
Exit Function
Thanks so much.