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SQL server procedure to return recordset 1

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Sep 8, 2005

I have an access project front end and a SQL server 2005 express back end.

I am having trouble returning a recorset back to VBA ADO from a stored procedure in SQL server.

The specific code that does not work is:
Set rsCust = cmd.Execute
which is outlined in the bottom of the second block of code I post.

The following is the stored procedure in SQL server:
---Declare input variables
                 @OrderBy		nvarchar(50)= NULL,		--column name to odrder by
				 @OrderByDir	nvarchar(1) = NULL,		--Direction of sort 'A' = ascending 'D' = Descending
				 @CustomerID	int			= NULL,  
                 @CompanyID		int			= NULL,   
                 @FirstName		nvarchar(50)= NULL,
                 @LastName		nvarchar(50)= NULL,  
                 @Billing		nvarchar(50)= NULL, 
                 @AccountStatus int		    = NULL, 
                 @SDBID			int			= NULL, 
                 @ERUserID		int			= NULL,  
                 @Erequest		bit			= NULL,  
                 @Mail			bit			= NULL,
				 @Created		datetime	= NULL,
                 @Name			nvarchar(50)= NULL,
                 @Branch		nvarchar(50)= NULL,
				 @LocalRows		int			= 0 OUTPUT,
				 @ReturnValue	int			= 0 OUTPUT,
				 @LocalError	int			= 0 OUTPUT,
				 @OutMessage	nvarchar(500) OUTPUT   
	---Declare local scope variables
	DECLARE @sql        nvarchar(4000),
			@paramlist  nvarchar(4000)

	---Create the SQL string that will be dynamic
	SELECT @sql =	'SELECT dbo.Customer.intCustomerID, dbo.Customer.intCompanyID, dbo.Customer.chrFirstName, 
							dbo.Customer.chrLastName, dbo.Customer.chrBilling, dbo.Customer.intAccountStatus, dbo.Customer.intSDBID, 
							dbo.Customer.intERUserID, dbo.Customer.blnErequest, dbo.Customer.blnMail, dbo.Customer.dtCreated, 
							dbo.Customer.intRecCount, dbo.Company.chrName, dbo.Company.chrBranch
							dbo.Company INNER JOIN dbo.Customer ON dbo.Company.intCompanyID = dbo.Customer.intCompanyID
					WHERE  1 = 1'

	---Use is null to determin if parameter was passed, if so append to SQL string...
	IF @CustomerID IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.intCustomerID = @CustomerID'

	IF @CompanyID IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.intCompanyID = @CompanyID'

	IF @FirstName IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.chrFirstName LIKE ''%'' + @FirstName + ''%''' 

	IF @LastName IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.chrLastName LIKE ''%'' + @LastName + ''%''' 

	IF @Billing IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.chrBilling LIKE ''%'' + @Billing + ''%''' 

	IF @AccountStatus IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.intAccountStaus = @AccountStatus'

	IF @SDBID IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.intSDBID = @SDBID'

	IF @ERUserID IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.intERUserID = @ERUserID'

	IF @Erequest IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.blnErequest = @Erequest'

	IF @Mail IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.blnMail = @Mail'
	IF @Created IS NOT NULL
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Customer.dtCreated >= @Created' --Selects records created after this date

	IF @Name IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Company.chrName LIKE ''%'' + @Name + ''%''' 

	IF @Branch IS NOT NULL                               
	   SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND dbo.Company.chrBranch LIKE ''%'' + @Branch + ''%''' 

	---Set the order by staement
		SELECT @sql = @sql + ' ORDER BY' +
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'FirstName'		AND @OrderByDir = 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.chrFirstName DESC'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'FirstName'		AND @OrderByDir != 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.chrFirstName'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'LastName'		AND @OrderByDir = 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.chrLastName DESC'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'LastName'		AND @OrderByDir != 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.chrLastName'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'Billing'		AND @OrderByDir = 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.chrBilling DESC'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'Billing'		AND @OrderByDir != 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.chrBilling'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'SDBID'			AND @OrderByDir = 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.intSDBID DESC'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'SDBID'			AND @OrderByDir != 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.intSDBID'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'ERUserID'		AND @OrderByDir = 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.intERUserID DESC'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'ERUserID'		AND @OrderByDir != 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.intERUserID'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'AccountStatus' AND @OrderByDir = 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.intAccountStatus DESC'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'AccountStatus'	AND @OrderByDir != 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.intAccountStatus'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'Created'		AND @OrderByDir = 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.dtCreated DESC'
			WHEN @OrderBy = 'Created'		AND @OrderByDir != 'D'	THEN ' dbo.Customer.dtCreated'
			---Use default sort order for returned recordset.
			ELSE ' dbo.Company.chrName, dbo.Company.chrBranch, dbo.Customer.chrLastName, dbo.Customer.chrFirstName'
		---Use default sort order for returned recordset.
		SELECT @sql = @sql + ' ORDER BY dbo.Company.chrName, dbo.Company.chrBranch, dbo.Customer.chrLastName, dbo.Customer.chrFirstName'

	----Set the parameter list for the sp_executesql call
	 SELECT @paramlist =   '@CustomerID		int,  
							@CompanyID		int,   
							@FirstName		nvarchar,
							@LastName		nvarchar(50),  
							@Billing		nvarchar(50), 
							@AccountStatus	int, 
							@SDBID			int, 
							@ERUserID		int,  
							@Erequest		bit,  
							@Mail			bit,
							@Created		datetime,
							@Name			nvarchar(50),
							@Branch			nvarchar(50)'

	---Execute the function sp_executesql that takes the following parameters: 
	---	sql string, parameter list, and then the declared parameters in the same order as the parmaeter list
	EXEC sp_executesql	@sql, @paramlist,
						@CustomerID, @CompanyID, @FirstName, @LastName, @Billing, @AccountStatus, 
						@SDBID, @ERUserID, @Erequest, @Mail, @Created, @Name, @Branch
	---if no errors, set the return value to 0 and return the number of rows in the search results
	SELECT @LocalRows = @@ROWCOUNT, @ReturnValue = 0
	SELECT @LocalRows, @ReturnValue
	---If errors occured - capture error information and return to calling application
	SELECT @ReturnValue = 1, @LocalError = ERROR_NUMBER(), @OutMessage = ('ROWS AFFECTED = ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT as nvarchar(6)) + ' SEVERITY = ' + CAST(ERROR_SEVERITY() as nvarchar(3)) + ' STATE = ' + CAST(ERROR_STATE() as nvarchar(2)) + ' PROCEDURE = ' + ERROR_PROCEDURE() + ' LINE = ' + CAST(ERROR_LINE() as nvarchar(3)) + ' MESSAGE ' + ERROR_MESSAGE())
	SELECT @LocalError, @ReturnValue, @OutMessage

the following is a public function that calls the stored procedure.
Public Function DMS_Customer_Search(frm As Form, ByRef rsCust As ADODB.Recordset, Optional OrderBy As String, Optional OrderByDir As String, Optional intCompanyID As Integer, Optional chrFirstName As String, Optional chrLastName As String, Optional ChrBilling As String, Optional intAccountStatus As Integer, Optional intSDBID As Integer, Optional intERUserID As Integer, Optional dtCreated As Date) As Integer

'On Error GoTo ErrLog

    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Dim prm As New ADODB.Parameter

    '''''''''''connect to SQL server
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    cnn.ConnectionString = frm.xProvider & frm.xDataSource

    ''''''''''Set comand type and text
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
    cmd.CommandText = "spCustomer_Search"
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    cmd.NamedParameters = True

    '''explicitly create the input parameters - conditional on variable not being empty
    If Len(Nz(OrderBy, "")) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@OrderBy", adChar, adParamInput, Len(OrderBy), OrderBy)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Len(Nz(OrderByDir, "")) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@OrderByDir", adChar, adParamInput, Len(OrderByDir), OrderByDir)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Nz(intCompanyID, 0) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@CompanyID", adInteger, adParamInput, , intCompanyID)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Len(Nz(chrFirstName, "")) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@FirstName", adChar, adParamInput, Len(chrFirstName), chrFirstName)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Len(Nz(chrLastName, "")) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@LastName", adChar, adParamInput, Len(chrLastName), chrLastName)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Len(Nz(ChrBilling, "")) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@Billing", adChar, adParamInput, Len(ChrBilling), ChrBilling)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Nz(intAccountStatus, 0) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@AccountStatus", adInteger, adParamInput, , intAccountStatus)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Nz(intSDBID, 0) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@SDBID", adInteger, adParamInput, , intSDBID)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Nz(intERUserID, 0) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@ERUserID", adInteger, adParamInput, , intERUserID)
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If
    If Nz(dtCreated, 0) > 0 Then
        Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@Created", adDate, adParamInput, , Format(dtCreated, "yyyymmdd"))
        cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    End If

    '''explicitly create the output parameters
    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@LocalRows", adInteger, adParamOutput)
    cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@ReturnValue", adInteger, adParamOutput)
    cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@LocalError", adInteger, adParamOutput)
    cmd.Parameters.Append prm
    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@OutMessage", adChar, adParamOutput, 500)
    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    'execute the command
    'Set rsCust = cmd.Execute
    'rsCust.Open cmd, , adOpenStatic
    'Debug.Print rsCust.RecordCount
    cmd.CommandText = ""
    Debug.Print cmd.Parameters("@LocalRows").Value
    'return the results/output
    If IsEmpty(cmd.Parameters("@ReturnValue").Value) Or cmd.Parameters("@ReturnValue").Value <> 0 Then
        err.Raise 513, , "SQL Server Customer Search Procedure Returned an Error"   ''raise custom error to triger error tracking
    End If

    ' Close the connection.
    DMS_Customer_Search = 0
    Exit Function
    Set DMS_Error = New clsError
    err.Source = "mdlPublicFunctions"
    DMS_Error.ErrorObjInfo err, rtCustomer, atSearch, , Nz(cmd.Parameters("@LocalError").Value, 0), Nz(cmd.Parameters("@OutMessage").Value, "")
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmErrorLog"
    Resume ExitFunction

End Function

and this code is just a test that passes values to the public function above
    Dim rsCust As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rsCust = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim iRet As Integer

    iRet = DMS_Customer_Search(Me, rsCust, , , , "bi")
    'Set rsCust = Nothing

If I simply execute "cmd.execute" the procedure, it returns all the appropriate output parameters. But if I switch that code to the following:
Set rsCust = cmd.Execute
There is no error, but none of the parameters have values, they are all empty, and the recordcount of the recordset = -1.

After all of that...
does anyone have an idea of where i am going wrong in returning the results fo the procedure to an adodb recordset?

I'd rather be surfing

Set rsCust = cmd.Execute returns a Forward-only cursor & Read-only lock type recordset. That's because these are the default values if not defined before opening the recordset. Forward-only cursor, returns recordcount of the recordset = -1. If you do need the recordcount you should specify a Keyset cursor
THanks Jerry,

I changed the code from

set rsCust = cmd.Execute


rsCust.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsCust.LockType = adLockOptimistic
Set rsCust = cmd.Execute

However, I still do not get a recordset. In addition, all the output parameters are empty.

If I use:
I don't get a recordset, but I do get all the output parameters, one of which is a rowcount from SQL server. So I can tell that the procedure runs and gets the right amount of records. I am having trouble getting that result set into the ADODB recordset.

Any ideas?

I'd rather be surfing

I just reread it. Wont help you since it doesnt return output parameters.
i figured out what was going on,

it was an issue with my connection string,

the difference was with my data provider

here is a link to another thread that i posted on this issue:


I'd rather be surfing
I need help with this query.
UPDATE MonthTranslation, UsageCodeTranslation AS UsageCodeTranslation_1 SET exportshell.[Usage Definition] = UsageCodeTranslation.[Usage Definition], exportshell.MonthName = MonthTranslation.[Month Name], exportshell.[Usage Code] = UsageCodeTranslation.Usage_Code, exportshell.[Month] = MonthTranslation.Month;
I am getting the pop of 'enter parameter value' can someone tell me how to remove this popup?
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