On my machine I have SQL server 7 with OLEDB SQL driver only.
I can't use it for SqlDataAdapter.
How can I install SQL server driver for SqlDataAdapter ?
Where can I get it?
Thank you.
I went there >(MDAC 2.7 REFRESH (2.70.9001.0) ) and by the dowload button it says:
"Due to issues with clustering this release is currently NOT supported on SQL 7.0 or SQL 6.5 Clustered Servers."
I have SQL server 7.
I'm not sure if it is OK to install MDAC 2.7 ?
MDAC 2.6 has the same warning.
Thank you again.
i'm not very experianced with SQL server - I just installed its desktop edition on 2-nd partition of my HD with win2k OS(FAT 32) - so I'm not sure if it's clustered or not.
How do I check?
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