I have designed a SQL Server 2000 stored procedure where all the parameters are of varchar type with exception to one parameter which is a text type. This stored procedure works for report files created in Version 7, 8 and 8.5. When I design the report and set the location of the datasource in crystal reports version 9, the designer prompts me to fill in the parameters which I do. I click ok, then a dialog box appears with only an ok button and no message. I believe this is an error message box but I'm not sure. I click ok and it seems that Crystal Reports wants me to re-enter the value for the text parameter.
I'm connecting to the database through ODBC if that helps.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Does the service pack 2 solve this issue? The service pack has no mention of this problem.
Thank you in advance for all suggestions to fix this problem.
I'm connecting to the database through ODBC if that helps.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Does the service pack 2 solve this issue? The service pack has no mention of this problem.
Thank you in advance for all suggestions to fix this problem.