I have a very large user interface, several panels, components, buttons, etc. I have approximately 146 fields that the user can possible fill in, they can fill them all in or only part of the fields. What I would like to do is do and INSERT of the data into my MSAccess database then perform the necessary queries and calculations on the data. This is a two part question, do you think an INSERT of 146 items is too large? Should I split this into several INSERT statements, but what happens if the user goes back and changes something after it has already been entered? I know to use the UPDATE, just never have. My last question is the most important and I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere, in a SELECT statement I wan't to do something like this: SELECT * FROM regions WHERE state = 'Florida' AND region = 'Palm Beach'"; Now this work however I don't want 'Florida' and 'Palm Beach' in there I wan't the the field from the user interface, ie chState and chRegion, how do I accomplish this, I've tried with double quotes and get anything to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just a note, this a stand-alone application with no use of a server or web-browser, strictly run in the appletviewer.<br>
Thanks in advance! <p> Courtney<br><a href=mailto: ceaton@lrp.com> ceaton@lrp.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Thanks in advance! <p> Courtney<br><a href=mailto: ceaton@lrp.com> ceaton@lrp.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>