Currently, my sql statements causes a encounter_no to populate my variance report when there is a Insurance Payor payment on today. When a encounter no shows on the variance report, the Revenue Collections area start to research the Variance to determine the reason for underpayment. However, if an additional payment arrives for the same encounter no, for example - 7 days after the first payment is received, there might not be a variance anymore! Therefore, all of the effort spent researching the "Variance" is "wasted."
Issue - It appears that the Variance Report should be on a time lag, if you will, for approximately 2 weeks.
Example - Exhibit Date on
Enc No. Pymt Amt Total Ins Pymts Underpay Amt Var Rpt
378201 $1000 $1000 $12000 9/17/03
378201 $12000 $13000 $0 9/24/03
My initial thought is to modify the statement within my sql script from "and trunc(epd.date_updated) = trunc(sysdate)" to "and trunc(epd.date_updated) between trunc(sysdate)-14 and trunc(sysdate)."
Below is the sql statement that should be modified:
SELECT pe.encounter_no Enc No, sum(epd.payment_amount) Payment, pe.admit_date Admit, pe.total_charges Charges, pe.expected reimbursement Exp Reimb,
nvl(ep.total_payments,0) TotInsPymts,
pe.total_payments TotPymts,
from patient_encounter pe, encounter_payor ep,
encounter_payment_detail epd
where pe.encounter_no = ep.encounter_no
and trunc(epd.date_updated) = trunc(sysdate)
and pe.expected_reimbursement > 0
and (nvl(pe.expected_reimbursement,0) - (nvl(pe.total_payments,0))) > 0
and pe.encounter_no = epd.encounter_no
and epd.payment_amount >0
Thanks in advance!
Issue - It appears that the Variance Report should be on a time lag, if you will, for approximately 2 weeks.
Example - Exhibit Date on
Enc No. Pymt Amt Total Ins Pymts Underpay Amt Var Rpt
378201 $1000 $1000 $12000 9/17/03
378201 $12000 $13000 $0 9/24/03
My initial thought is to modify the statement within my sql script from "and trunc(epd.date_updated) = trunc(sysdate)" to "and trunc(epd.date_updated) between trunc(sysdate)-14 and trunc(sysdate)."
Below is the sql statement that should be modified:
SELECT pe.encounter_no Enc No, sum(epd.payment_amount) Payment, pe.admit_date Admit, pe.total_charges Charges, pe.expected reimbursement Exp Reimb,
nvl(ep.total_payments,0) TotInsPymts,
pe.total_payments TotPymts,
from patient_encounter pe, encounter_payor ep,
encounter_payment_detail epd
where pe.encounter_no = ep.encounter_no
and trunc(epd.date_updated) = trunc(sysdate)
and pe.expected_reimbursement > 0
and (nvl(pe.expected_reimbursement,0) - (nvl(pe.total_payments,0))) > 0
and pe.encounter_no = epd.encounter_no
and epd.payment_amount >0
Thanks in advance!