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SQL return code in VBscript

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Apr 11, 2003
Ok, I've searched the web with Google, and I've read over 100 Q&As on this forum, but I can't find anywhere how to get the SQL return code out of a recordset after an insert.
I am doing inserts of records that come from an outside vendor, and they often send records with duplicate keys.
I want to do an insert into DB2, then get the return code and check for timeouts, duplicate keys or any of the other possible errors.
How do I get the SQLCode?
have you set on error resume next and then create an error handler? That is what I do. After my execute step, I say

if err.number <> 0 then
wscript.echo err.description
end if

Try that, but make sure you have on error resume next inside the sub/function (if you are using one) that executes the db request.
If you do the insert with DAO, you may take a look at the RecordsAffected property of the object used for the Execute method.

Hope This Help, PH.
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I managed to get what I needed. This is what my code looks like:
dim sqlstring
dim err
sqlstring = "insert into atpa...."
Set rsATPA = CreateObject("ADODB.REcordSet")
On Error Resume Next
set rsATPA = Conn.Execute(SQLstring)
on error goto 0
If conn.Errors.count <> 0 Then 
   retcode = Conn.Errors(0).NativeError
End If
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