I have been trying to use the Excel ODBC add-in function SQL.REQUEST with limited and frustrating results.
I've got the function to work with an Informix database, but I can't get it to return data from a query
that references a cell on the worksheet.
For instance, this works fine:
=SQL.REQUEST("DSN=test;UID=odbc;PWD=pwd",,2,"SELECT supplier, name FROM plsupp WHERE supplier = 'CUS001'"
This correctly returns the supplier code and name for supplier CUS001.
But! If I alter the function to pick up the supplier code from a cell on the worksheet like this:
=SQL.REQUEST("DSN=test;UID=odbc;PWD=pwd",,2,"SELECT supplier, name FROM plsupp WHERE supplier = " &
All I get back is #N/A (I20 contains CUS001).
I've read all the online help and scoured the Internet for other information and as far as I can tell
I'm doing this right. But, it won't %$#~(^&$ work!
Any kind soul out there who knows the answer to this?
I've got the function to work with an Informix database, but I can't get it to return data from a query
that references a cell on the worksheet.
For instance, this works fine:
=SQL.REQUEST("DSN=test;UID=odbc;PWD=pwd",,2,"SELECT supplier, name FROM plsupp WHERE supplier = 'CUS001'"
This correctly returns the supplier code and name for supplier CUS001.
But! If I alter the function to pick up the supplier code from a cell on the worksheet like this:
=SQL.REQUEST("DSN=test;UID=odbc;PWD=pwd",,2,"SELECT supplier, name FROM plsupp WHERE supplier = " &
All I get back is #N/A (I20 contains CUS001).
I've read all the online help and scoured the Internet for other information and as far as I can tell
I'm doing this right. But, it won't %$#~(^&$ work!
Any kind soul out there who knows the answer to this?