I've been at this for many hours, if you can give me help I would greatly appreciate it. This is the query:
SELECT DISTINCT tblPersonnel.PID, (select distinct top 1 tblAppointments.rank from tblAppointments where tblAppointments.PID=tblPersonnel.PID order by tblAppointments.start) AS Expr1
FROM tblPersonnel;
Error: ORDER BY clause conflicts with DISTINCT
The problem is in the subquery, I wanted to return the oldest record in the table, but I only want it to return "rank" field.
Here is what I tried:
If I remove Distinct from the subquery i get "only one record can be returned from the subquery" even though it says "top 1"
If I change tblAppointments.rank to tblAppointments.start it works perfectly, but it outputs the start date as opposed to the rank field.
If I put both rank and start in, it complains saying subquery can only return one field
I dont' know what else to try, please help!
I've been at this for many hours, if you can give me help I would greatly appreciate it. This is the query:
SELECT DISTINCT tblPersonnel.PID, (select distinct top 1 tblAppointments.rank from tblAppointments where tblAppointments.PID=tblPersonnel.PID order by tblAppointments.start) AS Expr1
FROM tblPersonnel;
Error: ORDER BY clause conflicts with DISTINCT
The problem is in the subquery, I wanted to return the oldest record in the table, but I only want it to return "rank" field.
Here is what I tried:
If I remove Distinct from the subquery i get "only one record can be returned from the subquery" even though it says "top 1"
If I change tblAppointments.rank to tblAppointments.start it works perfectly, but it outputs the start date as opposed to the rank field.
If I put both rank and start in, it complains saying subquery can only return one field
I dont' know what else to try, please help!