So i am learning SQL with abosule database.
I would like to run the following syntax on all the records of a table. Right now, it works fine if I have one record only. What should i change to be able to run this command if the table has multiple recotds? I am only changing the value of one column. The value will be the same for the column in each records.
ABSQuery.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE "'+db.DatabaseFileName+'".xtra SET ProjectNO=:NewProjectNo';
ABSQuery.Params.ParamByName('NewProjectNo').AsInteger := TempProjectNo;
I would like to run the following syntax on all the records of a table. Right now, it works fine if I have one record only. What should i change to be able to run this command if the table has multiple recotds? I am only changing the value of one column. The value will be the same for the column in each records.
ABSQuery.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE "'+db.DatabaseFileName+'".xtra SET ProjectNO=:NewProjectNo';
ABSQuery.Params.ParamByName('NewProjectNo').AsInteger := TempProjectNo;