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SQL Question

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Mar 22, 2005
I thought I had this figured out but apparently not.

I have a table that has the following structure.
RaceSession C
DriverName C
CarNumber C
ElapsedTime N
DialIn N

This file holds an entire race weekend of runs, with Each Driver getting 3 qualifying runs. I need to determine the qualifying position based on the best run for each driver throughout the entire 3 run qualifying sessions.

For Example:
RaceSession = 1 CarNumber= 389A DriverName="Berch" ElapsedTime= 8.844 DialIn= 8.900

RaceSession = 1 CarNumber= 3A DriverName="Derch" ElapsedTime= 8.918 DialIn= 8.900

RaceSession = 1 CarNumber= 367B DriverName="Rierch" ElapsedTime= 8.944 DialIn= 8.900

This would be repeated for RaceSession #2 and #3 also but with different ElapsedTime information.

What is important to determine is WHO is closest to their DialIn time WITHOUT going under it.

Then I built a where clause from a SimpleList OLE (thanks Mike) that the user clicks each qualifying session they want to include in the results.

Soooooo, I created the SQL and where clause that looks something like this

select top 150 racesession, carnumber, drivername, ElapsedTime, DialIn ;
from iCard ;
where racesession = "SUPER COMP T1" and "racesession = "SUPER COMP T2" and "racesession = "SUPER COMP T3" and ElapsedTime >= DialIn ;
order by ElapsedTime ;
group by carnumber

This only works if there is only ONE racesession selected.

If I cannot find another way to do this could I create a seperate cursor from each session and then join the results to see only one driver's best time?

Hope this is not to long. If I could find a way to post the dbf file and a small prg I would.


Don Higgins
select top 150 racesession, carnumber, drivername, ElapsedTime, DialIn ;
from iCard ;
where racesession IN ("SUPER COMP T1","SUPER COMP T2","SUPER COMP T3") and ElapsedTime >= DialIn ;
order by ElapsedTime ;
group by carnumber

Borislav Borissov
Thank you Brislav and Geoff for responding. Here is what I have found so far;

SELECT top 200 * from icard wher session in("SUPER COMP T1") and iquarter >= idialin order by IQUARTER group by carnumber

works fine for one session. If I add another session to the IN clause then it gives indorrect information and order. Seems if more than one IN clause is used the section "and iquarter >= idialin " is not even looked at.

Any further ideas would be helpful.

If I cannot get this approch to work then I am going to switch gears so to speak and try 4 seperate commands, one for each session and then join the tables based on the requirements, do you think that would work better?

Don Higgins
Seems if more than one IN clause is used the section "and iquarter >= idialin " is not even looked at.

That's unusual behaviour and must be being caused by something else. Two things come to mind:

Where does iquarter come from?

What is GROUP BY doing? You've got no aggregates in the SQL so there's nothing to group.

Strip the SQL down to its bare essentials - no TOP, no ORDER, no GROUP:
select racesession, carnumber, drivername, ElapsedTime, DialIn ;
from iCard ;
where racesession IN ("SUPER COMP T1","SUPER COMP T2","SUPER COMP T3")
then add clauses one by one until something goes wrong.

Geoff Franklin
I did remove everything and it worked to find this information, but will not perform the next line "and iquarter >= idialin".

I then broke the select statement into 2 queries. One to select the IN clause, then another one to select from the first cursor like the code below and it works fine.

** first select below just to get the IN clause information
SELECT * FROM ICARD WHERE SESSION IN &lcAnswer into cursor csrAnswer

** second query to find all the top qualifiers and move them into another cursor
FROM csrAnswer ;
WHERE csrAnswer.IQUARTER >= csrAnswer.IDIALIN ;
group by carnumber ;
INTO cursor csrQualifying
**Browse Normal NoCaption

3rd query to find the lower half qualifiers and make sure no duplicate carnumbers exist from a comparison of the 2 previous queries
SELECT top 250 csrAnswer.DRIVERNAME, csrAnswer.IQUARTER, ;
csrAnswer.CARNUMBER, csrAnswer.SESSION, csrAnswer.idialin ;
FROM csrAnswer, csrQualifying ;
WHERE csrAnswer.CarNumber not IN(SELECT CarNumber from csrQualifying) ;
.and. csrAnswer.IQUARTER < csrAnswer.IDIALIN ;
order by csrAnswer.iquarter desc ;
group by csrAnswer.carnumber ;
INTO cursor csrQualifyingBottom

Since there are less than 5000 rows normally these 3 queries execute in under 1 second and that works fine for my purposes.


Don Higgins
that works fine for my purposes
Can't understand why the original wasn't working but I'm glad you've found a way round the problem. Personally I prefer to write queries as several simple steps like that - they're so much easier to debug than a single monolithic slab of SQL.

Geoff Franklin
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