I still cant get this to work right. listed below is the sql. I am trying to filter to the latest EFF_Date so long as it is not after the DATE MOLDED. The following returns only six 9 records. and I can look at the original query and see that more are in that meet the criteria. If you want you can email me and I will call you I have nationwide free long distance. My Email is <A HREF="mailto:bcblair@home.com">bcblair@home.com</A>.<br>
SELECT [test query].CODE, [test query].[TICKET#], [test query].MASTERMX1_ITEMNO, [test query].MASTERMX1_PLANT_NO, [test query].CMT1, [test query].EFF_DATE, [test query].[DATE MOLDED], [test query].[TEST BREAKS 2000_PLANT_NO], [test query].[MIX DESIGNS IN TEST BREAKS_ITEMNO], [test query].[MIX DESIGN], [test query].CONTRACTOR, [test query].PROJECT, [test query].[TICKET#]<br>
FROM [test query]<br>
!!!!!!below seems to be the problem!!!!!<br>
WHERE ((([test query].EFF_DATE) In (Select Max([test query].eff_date) from [test query]<br>
Where [test query].eff_date < [test query].[date molded])));<br>
SELECT [test query].CODE, [test query].[TICKET#], [test query].MASTERMX1_ITEMNO, [test query].MASTERMX1_PLANT_NO, [test query].CMT1, [test query].EFF_DATE, [test query].[DATE MOLDED], [test query].[TEST BREAKS 2000_PLANT_NO], [test query].[MIX DESIGNS IN TEST BREAKS_ITEMNO], [test query].[MIX DESIGN], [test query].CONTRACTOR, [test query].PROJECT, [test query].[TICKET#]<br>
FROM [test query]<br>
!!!!!!below seems to be the problem!!!!!<br>
WHERE ((([test query].EFF_DATE) In (Select Max([test query].eff_date) from [test query]<br>
Where [test query].eff_date < [test query].[date molded])));<br>