Ok ,I am creating a view and one little piece is causing me fits, not sure why I can't come up with this. Here is the situation: I have a table with a specid, pptid and pspecid. Now, specid is always there, but if it was not the original specimen, then pptid may be blank, in which case I want to use the pptid from the pspecid, so the data
so, in my query I would like all of the above records to come up with pptid=654321 and I am drawing a complete blank. Any help?
specid pptid pspecid
123456 654321 blank
234567 blank 654321
345678 blank 654321
456789 blank 654321
so, in my query I would like all of the above records to come up with pptid=654321 and I am drawing a complete blank. Any help?