I have the following query , it is consuming more than 6 mts to retieve the result, i want to make it faster retrieval.
Query is fetching results from views , which in turn consists fetches only distint records.
Due to the non-unique feature of the data, i cannot relate the table with the respective fields.
I used sql profiler and used index tuning wizard to speed up the process.
Can any one suggest the best laternative way for the same
Best Regards
John Philip
Select A.name,b.contract,b.class,b.iro,b.date,b.time,
from vwuniqueclass A,vwFeedback B where A.code=b.class
and A.name >= 'CAR-MARUTI BALENO'
and A.name <= 'COMPUTER-UNIQUE'
and (B.date between '03/03/2004' and '06/03/2004') order by b.date,b.time
*** Even the Best, did the Bad and Made the Best ***
John Philip
I have the following query , it is consuming more than 6 mts to retieve the result, i want to make it faster retrieval.
Query is fetching results from views , which in turn consists fetches only distint records.
Due to the non-unique feature of the data, i cannot relate the table with the respective fields.
I used sql profiler and used index tuning wizard to speed up the process.
Can any one suggest the best laternative way for the same
Best Regards
John Philip
Select A.name,b.contract,b.class,b.iro,b.date,b.time,
from vwuniqueclass A,vwFeedback B where A.code=b.class
and A.name >= 'CAR-MARUTI BALENO'
and A.name <= 'COMPUTER-UNIQUE'
and (B.date between '03/03/2004' and '06/03/2004') order by b.date,b.time
*** Even the Best, did the Bad and Made the Best ***
John Philip