Hello,<br>I am an NT4 administrator by trade but I am studying Relational Databases as part of my O.U and I have a question I am struggling on which is probably a piece of cake to you guys. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The question is:-<br>Give the name and the population growth of the country in the population table that achieved the highest growth between 1960 and 1980(based on the difference between those two dates.<br><br>Population Table (Only Some of it)<br> POP.1960 POP.1980 DIFFERENCE<br>Germany 72673 78395 +5722<br>Greece 8327 9646 +1319<br>Spain 30303 37458 +7155<br>France 45684 53788 +8104<br><br>So obviously above the query would give an answer of France but I just need the SQL query that will extract the info required.<br><br>Thanks in anticipation.....Paul.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>