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SQL query help needed!

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Jan 14, 2004
I have a table Emp. Each employee is assigned to a manager and each manager is assigned to another manager above the employee. This level may go upto 4 or 5 levels. Some employees may not have a manager assigned to them (for instance test employees and also the department head). The data is stored in a table called Emp. Each employee has a primary key and the manager also has a primary key as an employee. The table is designed such a way that for each employee who is assigned a manager is idendified with the manager's primary key as (Foreign Key) for that employee row.
Emp_Pk Emp_MgrEmpFk EmpName
134 23 San
254 23 David
23 56 Frank
56 11 Rob
11 Null Jessica

In this example the employee Jessica is not associated with any manager. So I want to pull data showing Jessica at the top level and below is Rob and below Rob Frank and Below Frank I want to show San and David.

I need to write a sql query for this.

Can you guys help me out?

I am using MS SQL server 2003.

This a classic example of a self-join; check 'er out in BOL....

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.
hold on a sec...

I am using MS SQL server 2003.


where did you get a copy of that?

Procrastinate Now!
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