I'm having a problem converting the British date format to the American date format within an SQL query. I use the Month and Year methods to attain the month and year values from the two variables - strFromDate and strToDate. However, I'm not sure of the syntax to use in the query. Here is the code, but if anyone has any ideas they would be appreciated greatly.
strQuery = strQuery & "WHERE Data = 'ORDER' " strQuery = strQuery & "AND Input_Date BETWEEN month('" & strFromDate & "') /01/ year('" & strFromDate & "') AND month('" & strToDate & "') /01/ year('" & strToDate & "') "
strQuery = strQuery & "WHERE Data = 'ORDER' " strQuery = strQuery & "AND Input_Date BETWEEN month('" & strFromDate & "') /01/ year('" & strFromDate & "') AND month('" & strToDate & "') /01/ year('" & strToDate & "') "