Ok, I want to run a query that pulls the 'userpwrd' from the 'users' and the 'users_bak' table where em_id is the same in both. So I see what the PW is in both tables, then update the 'users' table with the value of the 'userpwrd' in the 'users_bak'.
I have tried a few queries for the select statement
"Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them." - Dr. Seuss
I have tried a few queries for the select statement
select userpwrd
from usersowpp_bak
where (select userpwrd from usersowpp_bak inner join usersowpp on usersowpp.userpwrd = usersowpp_bak.userpwrd)
"Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them." - Dr. Seuss