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SQL query and csv output

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Technical User
Jul 13, 2009
I am making a query and I need to output is to a csv.
I need only to retrieve the products that dont have an image or cataloge associated so I am making a couple of loops, but I am not sure if I am doing it well.
I got a time out so I added a Server.ScriptTimeout=200 but I am sure the time out is just because an error in the code.
Can you help me please?
I am don't know too much ASP.
I am sure there is a better method to do this.

Thank you very much in advance.
Just in case you want to take a look I have this code:
<%@ Language=VBScript%>
<!--#include file="lib/adovbs.inc" -->
<!--#include file="Connections/connDBseta.asp" -->
<!--#include file="response_log.asp" -->
dim cn, rsProducts, fdsTotal, bAlternate

	lCategoryID = CLng (Request.QueryString ("sCategoryID"))
	lIndustryID = CLng (Request.QueryString ("sIndustryID"))
	lPageSize = 100
	lStartPage = CLng (Request.QueryString ("sStartPage"))
	lSubCategoryID = CLng (Request.QueryString ("sSubCategoryID"))
	lfuelMethodID = CLng (Request.QueryString ("sfuelMethodID"))
	sAccessories = cleanString (Request.QueryString("sAccessories")& " ")
	sCode = cleanString (Request.QueryString ("sCode"))
	sExact = cleanString (Request.QueryString("sExact"))
	sKeyword = cleanString (Request.QueryString ("sKeyword"))
	sMethod = cleanString (Request.QueryString ("sMethod"))
	sMethodID = cleanString (Request.QueryString ("sMethodID"))
	sFuelID = cleanString (Request.QueryString ("sFuelID"))
	sWhere = "WHERE (ProductGroup<>'FGSD') "
	If lCategoryID > 0 Then
		sWhere = sWhere & "AND "
		If LCase (sAccessories) = "true" Then
			sWhere = sWhere & "Category.CategoryID = " & lCategoryID & " "
			sWhere = sWhere & "(Category.CategoryID = " & lCategoryID & " AND Part.SubCategoryID > 0) "
		End If
	End If
	If lSubCategoryID > 0 Then        'i.e. from category browse
		sWhere = sWhere & "AND "
		sWhere = sWhere & "Part.SubCategoryID = " & lSubCategoryID & " "
	End If
	If sCode <> "" Then
		sWhere = sWhere & "AND "
		If LCase (sAccessories) = "true" Then
			sWhere = sWhere & "PartNumber LIKE '" & sCode & "%' "
			sWhere = sWhere & "(PartNumber LIKE '" & sCode & "%' AND Part.SubCategoryID > 0) "
		End if
	End If
	If sKeyword <> "" Then
		sWhere = sWhere & "AND "
		If LCase (sAccessories) = "true" Then
				sWhere = sWhere & "keywords LIKE '%" & sKeyword & "%' "
				sWhere = sWhere & "(keywords LIKE '%" & sKeyword & "%' AND Part.SubCategoryID > 0) "
		End if
	End If
	If sMethod <> "" Then
		sWhere = sWhere & "AND "
		If LCase (sExact) = "true" then 'All methods in this field are terminated by a , - even the last one
				If LCase (sAccessories) = "true" Then
					sWhere = sWhere & "(Methods LIKE '%" & sMethod & ",%' OR Methods LIKE '%" & sMethod & ";%') "
					sWhere = sWhere & "(Methods LIKE '%" & sMethod & ",%' OR Methods LIKE '%" & sMethod & ";%') AND (Part.SubCategoryID > 0) "
				End if
				If LCase (sAccessories) = "true" Then
					sWhere = sWhere & "Methods LIKE '%" & sMethod & "%' "
					sWhere = sWhere & "(Methods LIKE '%" & sMethod & "%' AND Part.SubCategoryID > 0) "
				End if
		End if
	End If
	' it searching fuel
	If sFuelID <> "" Then
		If sFuelID > 0 Then
			sWhere = "INNER JOIN (select max(PartToFuelSpecID) PartToFuelSpecID,PartID,FuelSpecID,max(MethodID) MethodID from PartToFuelSpec group by PartID,FuelSpecID) AS PartToFuelSpec ON PartToFuelSpec.PartID = Part.PartID  " & sWhere 
			sWhere = sWhere & "AND "
			If LCase (sAccessories) = "true" Then
				sWhere = sWhere & "PartToFuelSpec.FuelSpecID = " & sFuelID & " "
				sWhere = sWhere & "(PartToFuelSpec.FuelSpecID = " & sFuelID & " AND Part.SubCategoryID > 0) "
			End If
		End If
	End if 
	If lIndustryID > 0 Then 'from Industry browse
		sWhere = sWhere & "AND Industry.IndustryID = " & lIndustryID & " "
	End If
	'FROM Clause
	If lIndustryID > 0 Then
		sFrom = "FROM ((Industry RIGHT OUTER JOIN PartIndustryApplication ON Industry.IndustryID = PartIndustryApplication.IndustryID) RIGHT OUTER JOIN Part ON PartIndustryApplication.PartID = Part.PartID) LEFT OUTER JOIN (Category RIGHT OUTER JOIN SubCategory ON Category.CategoryID = SubCategory.CategoryID) ON Part.SubCategoryID = SubCategory.SubCategoryID "
		sFrom = "FROM Part LEFT OUTER JOIN (Category RIGHT OUTER JOIN SubCategory ON Category.CategoryID = SubCategory.CategoryID) ON Part.SubCategoryID = SubCategory.SubCategoryID "
	End If
	' this is the code for the results if browsing for fuel 
	If lfuelMethodID > 0 Then
			sFrom = "FROM Part JOIN (select b.PartID from PartToFuelSpec As a join PartToFuelSpec As b on a.MethodID=b.MethodID and a.FuelSpecID=b.FuelSpecID where  a.PartToFuelSpecID = '" & lfuelMethodID & "') PartToFuelSpec on Part.PartID = PartToFuelSpec.PartID "
			sWhere = ""
	End If
	'ORDER BY Clause
	sOrder = "ORDER BY MainPartYN DESC, PartNumber;"

	set cn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  	cn.Open g_CONNECTION
'Response.Write sFrom
'Response.Write sWhere
  	Set rsProducts = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  	rsProducts.open  "SELECT * " & sFrom & sWhere & sOrder,cn,,,adCmdText

	Set fdsTotal = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  	fdsTotal.Open "SELECT COUNT(Part.PartID) " & sFrom & sWhere & ";",cn,,,adCmdText
	lTotal = fdsTotal.fields.item(0)
								If lPageSize <= 0 Then
										lPageSize = 100
									End If
									lPages = Int (lTotal / lPageSize)
									If lPages < (lTotal / lPageSize) Then
										lPages = lPages + 1
									End If
									lStart = lStartPage * lPageSize
									If lStart > lTotal Or lStart < 0 Then
										lStart = 0
										lStartPage = 0
									End If
									lCount = 0
									bAlternate = false
									rsProducts.Move lStart 
									Do While Not rsProducts.EOF And lCount < lPageSize
PartNumber 		= "" & rsProducts.Fields ("PartNumber").Value
ProductImage 	= GetProductImage( PartNumber, "_" )																
If Len(ProductImage)=0 Then ProductImage = PartNumber & ".jpg"
strPicname 		= Server.MapPath("images/products/" & ProductImage)
ProductPDF 		= GetPDF( PartNumber, "_" )		
If IsFileExists(strPicName)=false or Len(ProductPDF)=0 then
    csvText = rsProducts.Fields ("PartNumber") & "," & rsProducts.Fields ("Prod_Title")
End If



    cn.close: set cn = nothing 
    set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    set fs = fso.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath("csv.csv"), true) 
    fs.close: set fs = nothing 
    set fso = nothing 
    response.write "Right-click to download: " & _ 
        "<a href=csv.csv>csv.csv</a>" 
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Part and Inventory Search

