I was running a trace (Sql Server 2005), and noticed that when a particular stored proc is executed, that takes two smalldatetime parameters, the execution statement shown by Profiler was
... with the two single quotes at each end of the parameter values.
I don't see how they got there, or how this statement is being executed without erroring, if that is indeed the actual statement being executed!
Anyone seen anything like this before?
The execution is kicked off from and ASP.NET 2.0 application, with parameters being added as
using the MS Enterprise Library classes.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
exec dbo.GetAvailableDates @start=''2008-10-01 00:00:00:000'',@end=''2008-10-31 00:00:00:000''
... with the two single quotes at each end of the parameter values.
I don't see how they got there, or how this statement is being executed without erroring, if that is indeed the actual statement being executed!
Anyone seen anything like this before?
The execution is kicked off from and ASP.NET 2.0 application, with parameters being added as
db.AddInParameter(dbc, "@start", DbType.DateTime, startDate);
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!