I need to process an sql pr. line.
This is the code that I cant get to work.
This is the error message
This however dows work (regular sql)
Can anyone se what the problem is?
I need to process an sql pr. line.
This is the code that I cant get to work.
echo "set linesize 132
set pagesize 999
set head off
set feed off
SELECT a.id, a.ctime, r.id, r.NAME, ad.priority, ad.description, cl.VALUE
FROM rhq.rhq_alert a, rhq.rhq_alert_definition ad, rhq.rhq_alert_condition_log cl, rhq.rhq_resource r, rhq.rhq_resource_type rt
WHERE a.alert_definition_id = ad.id AND cl.alert_id = a.id AND r.id = ad.resource_id AND r.resource_type_id = rt.id AND ad.name = 'Datasources - Available connections' ORDER BY ctime DESC;"|awk 'NF' | \
/oracle/app/oracle/sqlplus -silent xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx@JB | \
awk 'NF' |\
while read i; do
echo $i
This is the error message
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1
This however dows work (regular sql)
/oracle/app/oracle/sqlplus -silent xxxxxxx/xxxxxx@JB <<!
SELECT a.id, a.ctime, r.id, r.NAME, ad.priority, ad.description, cl.VALUE
FROM rhq.rhq_alert a, rhq.rhq_alert_definition ad, rhq.rhq_alert_condition_log cl, rhq.rhq_resource r, rhq.rhq_resource_type rt
WHERE a.alert_definition_id = ad.id AND cl.alert_id = a.id AND r.id = ad.resource_id AND r.resource_type_id = rt.id AND ad.name = 'Datasources - Available connections' ORDER BY ctime DESC;
Can anyone se what the problem is?