I am generating a fairly simple report in SQL*Plus and having an unusual problem. The line of hyphens (the SET UNDERLINE character) that separates the heading from the data is being truncated to 100 characters.
My login.sql:
Besides setting the heading and ttitle on and off, the script only has these set commands:
A sample of the output with the first 64 characters removed:
Am I missing a setting? Any ideas why the line is truncated in the middle of the Error Message after postition 100?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant Developer/Analyst Oracle, Forms, Reports & PL/SQL (Windows)
My website:
My login.sql:
set termout off
define my_version='0.0.0'
column my_version new_value my_version
select substr(banner,instr(banner,' ',-1,3),6) my_version
from sys.v_$version v
where rownum = 1;
define new_prompt='nolog'
column new_prompt new_value new_prompt
select username || ':' ||
from user_users, global_name;
--set sqlprompt "&new_prompt&my_version> "
SET head OFF
SET verify OFF
SET termout ON
SELECT '&new_prompt&my_version' FROM dual;
SET termout OFF
SET head ON
SET verify ON
SET termout ON
SET serveroutput on format wrapped
set linesize 255
Besides setting the heading and ttitle on and off, the script only has these set commands:
set echo off
set linesize 135
set pagesize 56
A sample of the output with the first 64 characters removed:
Process Error Program
Date Message Area
[COLOR=red][b]--------------------- --------------[/b][/color]
06/11/2008 08:29:45am DLLS
06/11/2008 08:29:45am DLLS
06/11/2008 09:13:49am DLLS
06/11/2008 09:13:49am DLLS
Am I missing a setting? Any ideas why the line is truncated in the middle of the Error Message after postition 100?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant Developer/Analyst Oracle, Forms, Reports & PL/SQL (Windows)
My website: