As my understanding when you output to numerice field in database file, you don't put quote around the variable name. The code below output data from &strinvamount& to phiamt and phnamt which are both numeric fields. It has quotes around it and still working. Can someone tell me if I miss something?
thanks in advance
As my understanding when you output to numerice field in database file, you don't put quote around the variable name. The code below output data from &strinvamount& to phiamt and phnamt which are both numeric fields. It has quotes around it and still working. Can someone tell me if I miss something?
thanks in advance
sqll = "insert into cisdtalib.$mvaph(phinv#, phdesc, phivtp, phivdt, phdudt, phiamt, phissu, phrcvd, phrpgm, phnamt, phacpd, phacpu, phstag, phapvd, phapvu, phpmt#)"
sqll = sqll & "VALUES ('"&strinvnumber&"','"&strdescription&"', '"&strmiscinv&"', '"&varinvdate&"', '"&varduedate&"',"
sqll = sqll & "'"&strinvamount&"', '"&strissuer&"', '"&sysdate&"', '"&username&"' , '"&strinvamount&"', '"&sysdate&"', '"&username&"', '"&strstatus&"', '"&varpaydate&"', '"&strpayby&"', '"&strpaynumber&"' )"