Technical User
Could any one point me out the mistake in the fallowing SQL...
SELECT ProjetBaseDon.*, ProjetBaseDon.[Valeur des honoraires]-((jourFtemps.TotalH)*(Emp.[taux horraire])) AS [Valeur des honnoraires], JourFtemps.TotalH AS honnoraire, JourFtemps.No_Ftemps
FROM Emp, Ftemps, (Contacts INNER JOIN (ProjetBaseDon INNER JOIN Projet_a_contact ON ProjetBaseDon.[# Projet]=Projet_a_contact.no_projet) ON Contacts.no_contact=Projet_a_contact.no_client) INNER JOIN JourFtemps ON Projet_a_contact.no_projet=JourFtemps.No_projet2
WHERE (((JourFtemps.TotalH)>0));
I know it is in my join, since the Query sends back many times the same project # with sometimes the same values.........
I can't quite figure out how to have only 1 row / project.
I tried distinct....
SELECT ProjetBaseDon.*, ProjetBaseDon.[Valeur des honoraires]-((jourFtemps.TotalH)*(Emp.[taux horraire])) AS [Valeur des honnoraires], JourFtemps.TotalH AS honnoraire, JourFtemps.No_Ftemps
FROM Emp, Ftemps, (Contacts INNER JOIN (ProjetBaseDon INNER JOIN Projet_a_contact ON ProjetBaseDon.[# Projet]=Projet_a_contact.no_projet) ON Contacts.no_contact=Projet_a_contact.no_client) INNER JOIN JourFtemps ON Projet_a_contact.no_projet=JourFtemps.No_projet2
WHERE (((JourFtemps.TotalH)>0));
I know it is in my join, since the Query sends back many times the same project # with sometimes the same values.........
I can't quite figure out how to have only 1 row / project.
I tried distinct....