I have been executing the following SQL expression to check for referential integrity. However, I am confused about the results I get back.
select count(*)
select b.shop_order,
from inventory_history b
where not exists
(select *
from shop_order s
where ih.shop_order_nbr = b.shop_order
and ih.so_time_stamp = b.so_time_stamp)
group by b.shop_order,
) a
The results of this query indicate that the number of shop orders (so_timestamp, shop_order) in Invt. History (child) that are not in the Shop Order table (parent) = 307,222.
However, a query of Invt. History indicates that there are 16,491,550 records with so_timestamps = null
select count(*) from inventory_history
where so_timestamp is null
And a query of Shop Order indicates that there are no records with the so_timestamp = null.
select count(*) from shop_order
where so_timestamp is null.
Why wouldn't the referential integrity analysis query above return at least 16,491,550?
select count(*)
select b.shop_order,
from inventory_history b
where not exists
(select *
from shop_order s
where ih.shop_order_nbr = b.shop_order
and ih.so_time_stamp = b.so_time_stamp)
group by b.shop_order,
) a
The results of this query indicate that the number of shop orders (so_timestamp, shop_order) in Invt. History (child) that are not in the Shop Order table (parent) = 307,222.
However, a query of Invt. History indicates that there are 16,491,550 records with so_timestamps = null
select count(*) from inventory_history
where so_timestamp is null
And a query of Shop Order indicates that there are no records with the so_timestamp = null.
select count(*) from shop_order
where so_timestamp is null.
Why wouldn't the referential integrity analysis query above return at least 16,491,550?