The Below code is error out for some reason. I tried to do this in query analyzer and it worked just fine. Now, the way I understand SQL Expression in CR9, you can use standard sql epxression to get the result you want.
this errors out on the first line. .
ERROR: syntax error or violation error :42000
any Ideas. . . .
select {mc_period_dates.calendar_date}
from mc_period_dates
where period_year =
(select {mc_period_dates.period_year}
from mc_period_dates
where {mc_period_dates.calendar_date} = convert(varchar (8), getdate(), 112)) and
period =
(select {mc_period_dates.period}
from mc_period_dates
where {mc_period_dates.calendar_date} = convert(varchar (8), getdate(), 112)) and
day_of_period = 1
this errors out on the first line. .
ERROR: syntax error or violation error :42000
any Ideas. . . .
select {mc_period_dates.calendar_date}
from mc_period_dates
where period_year =
(select {mc_period_dates.period_year}
from mc_period_dates
where {mc_period_dates.calendar_date} = convert(varchar (8), getdate(), 112)) and
period =
(select {mc_period_dates.period}
from mc_period_dates
where {mc_period_dates.calendar_date} = convert(varchar (8), getdate(), 112)) and
day_of_period = 1