I’m having problems using a data set from a stored procedure which crosses servers. Here’s the basic setup of my environment:
Server - MyProdServer1
Database – MyProd1ConfigDB
Database – MyProd1ClientADB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
Database – MyProd1ClientBDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
Database – MyProd1ClientCDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
User – MyServerLink (has read access to MyProdServer2.MyProd2ConfigDB)
Server – MyProdServer2
Database – MyProd2ConfigDB
Database – MyProd2ClientZDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
Database – MyProd2ClientYDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
User – MyServerLink (has read access to MyProdServer1.MyProd1ConfigDB)
The database location for my report is one of the ‘MyStoredProcedure’s. The stored procedure access data from that client’s database as well as from one of the ‘MyProdXConfigDB’s. The server/database name of the config database is passed to the stored procedure as one of the parameters.
Within my Query Analyzer, execution of the stored procedure using either server name works correctly. The problem is that when I try to ‘verify database’ in Crystal Reports 8.5, the database is verified correctly when the server/database parameter is on the same server as the stored procedure, but does not work if it references the configuration database on the opposite server. The error message ‘General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server’ shows up in the Crystal Reports: Database Error window. When I look at the SQL log file it shows that the transaction is completing normally. That makes sense since it works in the query analyzer for both scenarios.
Why is Crystal complaining about a SQL error? Any ideas on how to make this work?
Server - MyProdServer1
Database – MyProd1ConfigDB
Database – MyProd1ClientADB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
Database – MyProd1ClientBDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
Database – MyProd1ClientCDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
User – MyServerLink (has read access to MyProdServer2.MyProd2ConfigDB)
Server – MyProdServer2
Database – MyProd2ConfigDB
Database – MyProd2ClientZDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
Database – MyProd2ClientYDB
Stored Procedure - MyStoredProcedure
User – MyServerLink (has read access to MyProdServer1.MyProd1ConfigDB)
The database location for my report is one of the ‘MyStoredProcedure’s. The stored procedure access data from that client’s database as well as from one of the ‘MyProdXConfigDB’s. The server/database name of the config database is passed to the stored procedure as one of the parameters.
Within my Query Analyzer, execution of the stored procedure using either server name works correctly. The problem is that when I try to ‘verify database’ in Crystal Reports 8.5, the database is verified correctly when the server/database parameter is on the same server as the stored procedure, but does not work if it references the configuration database on the opposite server. The error message ‘General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server’ shows up in the Crystal Reports: Database Error window. When I look at the SQL log file it shows that the transaction is completing normally. That makes sense since it works in the query analyzer for both scenarios.
Why is Crystal complaining about a SQL error? Any ideas on how to make this work?