I recently rebuilt my machine here at work. I had installed SQL Server and had it running perfectly friday. I come in Monday and I can not start the services that run SQL Server. When I do I get errors such as 1068.
Checking up on these errors online, they say make sure the services are running from the local account. Which is the case here. I've verified this myself.
My assumption is that maybe my companies Group Policy in Active Directory was changed to dissalow SQL from running on a machine. Would this be an accurate assumption or no? Does anyone else have a possible solution or can point me to how to fix this problem?
Checking up on these errors online, they say make sure the services are running from the local account. Which is the case here. I've verified this myself.
My assumption is that maybe my companies Group Policy in Active Directory was changed to dissalow SQL from running on a machine. Would this be an accurate assumption or no? Does anyone else have a possible solution or can point me to how to fix this problem?