I'm trying to generate a little report based on some data.
The data structure is like this:
Basically it's a list of user_ids from a user accounts table, and the page_number is the number of the page that that particular user navigated to in the search results on our site. So if I searched for some topic, and got 8 pages of results back, and clicked on the page 7 link, that would be recorded as (my user id) | 7.
What I need to do is pull the top 10 user ids out of this based on the highest page number they reached. This presents a problem because I need distinct user ids based on the max page_number, but can't form a SQL query to give me this! It's frustrating me so I seek the help of others.
Here's what I've got so far, tell me if I'm on the right track:
The idea here is "get the top 10 user ids from this table where the user id equals this other user id selected based on it being the max page_number for this user id in the table".
Obviously this doesn't work as I have some contraint issues with the page_number variable not being in a function.
Any ideas? Do I need to use a cursor here and some actual manual comparison/logic to handle this, or can it be done with SQL lingo?? Thanks!
The data structure is like this:
user_id page_number
1 22
1 21
1 20
3 18
3 17
6 23
6 22
Basically it's a list of user_ids from a user accounts table, and the page_number is the number of the page that that particular user navigated to in the search results on our site. So if I searched for some topic, and got 8 pages of results back, and clicked on the page 7 link, that would be recorded as (my user id) | 7.
What I need to do is pull the top 10 user ids out of this based on the highest page number they reached. This presents a problem because I need distinct user ids based on the max page_number, but can't form a SQL query to give me this! It's frustrating me so I seek the help of others.
Here's what I've got so far, tell me if I'm on the right track:
SELECT TOP 10 a.user_id
FROM activity_table a
GROUP BY a.user_id
HAVING a.page_number = (
SELECT MAX(page_number)
FROM activity_table
WHERE user_id = a.user_id
The idea here is "get the top 10 user ids from this table where the user id equals this other user id selected based on it being the max page_number for this user id in the table".
Obviously this doesn't work as I have some contraint issues with the page_number variable not being in a function.
Any ideas? Do I need to use a cursor here and some actual manual comparison/logic to handle this, or can it be done with SQL lingo?? Thanks!