Hi people,<br><br>I am a newbie to the world of SQL / ASP. I am currently running some tests to get to grips with both areas. I have written a very basic Access db (just 2 tables, joined by thier primary keys). The following code sample works, but the output is only showing 1 field, when it I want it to display 3 fields.<br><br>Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.<br><br><%@ Language=VBScript %> <br><HTML> <br><HEAD> <br><TITLE>Example 1</TITLE> <br></HEAD><br><BODY BGCOLOR="#003399" TEXT="#CCFFFF"><center><br><br><br><% Response.Write("These records are pulled from an MS Access database" %> <br><br><BR><BR><BR><BR><br><br><%<br><br>sql = "SELECT artists_tbl.artist, records_tbl.recTitle, records_tbl.label FROM artists_tbl, records_tbl WHERE artists_tbl.artistID = records_tbl.artistID"<br><br>set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection"<br><br>conn.open "recdb"<br><br>set recor=conn.execute(sql) <br><br><br>%><br><br><% do while not recor.eof %><br><br><%= recor(0) %> <BR><br><br><% recor.movenext <br><br>loop%><br><br><% recor.close %><br><br><BR><br><HR><br><br></center><br></BODY> <br><br></HTML><br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Paul Welding.<br><A HREF="mailtoaul.welding@ans-ltd.com">paul.welding@ans-ltd.com</A>