Ok, I'm having a problem with this SQL and I think it has to do with the fields that are percents. Should I be using a delimiter here... Please look this over... sorry for the length, I thought it best to show the whole thing.
(tn = TableName and the TableName has hypens in it... does that matter... ie., RMR-27-Oct-06)
(tn = TableName and the TableName has hypens in it... does that matter... ie., RMR-27-Oct-06)
Dim saveSQL
saveSQL = "INSERT INTO " & tn & " (UnitName,AsOfDate,Assigned,Overall,OverallP"
saveSQL = saveSQL & ",PHA,PHAP,Dental,DentalP,Immunizations,ImmunizationsP"
saveSQL = saveSQL & ",Labtests,LabtestsP,MaskFitTest,MaskFitTestP,Inserts"
saveSQL = saveSQL & ",InsertsP,OccHealth,OccHealthP,CATM,CATMP,CWDT,CWDTP"
saveSQL = saveSQL & ",SABC,SABCP,Fitness,FitnessP,LegalReadiness,LegalReadinessP"
saveSQL = saveSQL & " VALUES ('" & UnitName.Value & "',#"
saveSQL = saveSQL & AsOfDate.Value & "#,"
saveSQL = saveSQL & Assigned.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & Overall.Value & "," & OverallP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & PHA.Value & "," & PHAP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & Dental.Value & "," & DentalP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & Immunizations.Value & "," & ImmunizationsP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & LabTests.Value & "," & LabTestsP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & MaskFitTest.Value & "," & MaskFitTestP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & Inserts.Value & "," & InsertsP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & OccHealth.Value & "," & OccHealthP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & CATM.Value & "," & CATMP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & CWDT.Value & "," & CWDTP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & SABC.Value & "," & SABCP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & Fitness.Value & "," & FitnessP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & LegalReadiness.Value & "," & LegalReadinessP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & NotonProfile.Value & "," & NotonProfileP.Value & ","
saveSQL = saveSQL & UNITTOTAL.Value & "," & UNITTOTALP.Value & ",'"
saveSQL = saveSQL & UNITCOMMENTS.Value & "')"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Debug.Print saveSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL (saveSQL)