Have just upgraded from acess to SQL and m attempting to
make minimul changes to the code. Quite striahgt forward but does anyone know wat I'm doing wrong
StrSqlMain = "Select * from Message WHERE NameFor ='" & UsernameSec & "' AND Delete <> 1 and Recieved <> 1"
CorkNameCheck.Open StrSqlMain, "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Date Source=Samson; " & "Initial Catalog=message; User Id=**; Password=**", adOpenStatic, adLockUnspecified
eror message is run-time error '-2147467259(800004005):
invalid connetion string attribute
make minimul changes to the code. Quite striahgt forward but does anyone know wat I'm doing wrong
StrSqlMain = "Select * from Message WHERE NameFor ='" & UsernameSec & "' AND Delete <> 1 and Recieved <> 1"
CorkNameCheck.Open StrSqlMain, "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Date Source=Samson; " & "Initial Catalog=message; User Id=**; Password=**", adOpenStatic, adLockUnspecified
eror message is run-time error '-2147467259(800004005):
invalid connetion string attribute