I am trying to average the days for an invoice to be paid. I have two tables that contain the invoice information, one is the current information and the second is a history table. I cannot change these tables.
I can do this individually for each table, but am having a tough time getting the average from both tables. This code will give me the days to pay for each invoice, but I'm not surre how to get the average of these. I have removed most of the where clause to make it easier to read.
This code gives me an average for each table, but I want the combined average.
Will I have to select into a temp table to get this done? I could do the calculation in the user interface, but thought this would be cleaner. This seems like an easy thing to do, but it is Friday.
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio
I can do this individually for each table, but am having a tough time getting the average from both tables. This code will give me the days to pay for each invoice, but I'm not surre how to get the average of these. I have removed most of the where clause to make it easier to read.
Select custno,datediff(d,invdte,dtepaid) as DaysToPay
From armast
Where custno='AAAA'
Select custno,datediff(d,invdte,dtepaid) as DaysToPay
From arymst
Where custno='AAAA'
Select custno,avg(cast(datediff(d,invdte,dtepaid) as decimal (10,1)) ) as DaysToPay
From armast
where custno='AAAA'
group By Custno
Select custno,avg(cast(datediff(d,invdte,dtepaid) as decimal (10,1)) ) as DaysToPay
From arymst
where custno='AAAA'
group By Custno
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio