This is the oddest thing I've ever seen. I have a form from which I want to open another form based on the active record in the first form. I do this all the time. I simply use the wizard to place a command button, tell it what I want it do and it does it.
Here's the thing. This time it refuses to filter the second form to the specified record - it just opens it with the entire record set. I do it over and over - same result.
But here's where it really gets weird. I had it working and then it quit working, had it working again - quit working. I finally figured out that if this third unrelated form happened to be open - even in design view - it worked. As soon as I closed that other form it no longer worked. As God is my witness, this third form is totally unrelated to what's going on and is not referenced in any way by either of the forms I'm working with. I mean really - how could anything that's only open in design view be affecting anything anyway?
So, I have clumsily solved the problem by having the command button open this third phantom form, then open the form I'm trying to open and then close the phantom form, so the phantom form is just seen for a second. But this is a ridiculous thing to have to do. Does anyone have a clue as to why it would behave this way?
Here's the thing. This time it refuses to filter the second form to the specified record - it just opens it with the entire record set. I do it over and over - same result.
But here's where it really gets weird. I had it working and then it quit working, had it working again - quit working. I finally figured out that if this third unrelated form happened to be open - even in design view - it worked. As soon as I closed that other form it no longer worked. As God is my witness, this third form is totally unrelated to what's going on and is not referenced in any way by either of the forms I'm working with. I mean really - how could anything that's only open in design view be affecting anything anyway?
So, I have clumsily solved the problem by having the command button open this third phantom form, then open the form I'm trying to open and then close the phantom form, so the phantom form is just seen for a second. But this is a ridiculous thing to have to do. Does anyone have a clue as to why it would behave this way?