How can I split were part of the info from a user form is sent to data base "a" and the rest of the info from the user form is sent to data base "B"
Thanks for any help !
set up two connections -- one to database a and one to database b.
Then, just read in your values, and assign away.
dim con1, con2
dim sql1, sql2
dim val1, val2
set con1 = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection"
set con2 = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection" "dsn1Name" "dsn2Name"
sql1 = "UPDATE table1 SET val1=" & val1
sql2 = "UPDATE table2 SET val2=" & val2
con1.execute sql1
con2.execute sql2
set con1 = nothing
set con2 = nothing
So that you opened two different connections to two different databases, got your separate values from the form object, and executed two separate update commands on the two respective databases.
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