I want to take each value that is entered into a textarea seperated by a carraige return, and apply an action on each value.
For instance if I put these values in a textarea
I want to take cats, dogs, and fish as seperate values to display on a page like this:
Emma likes cats
John likes dogs
Jane likes fish
Using the response.write variable ofcourse.
I know how to seperate the values into <br>'s but I don't know how to access them seperatley as values.
Thanks for any help
I want to take each value that is entered into a textarea seperated by a carraige return, and apply an action on each value.
For instance if I put these values in a textarea
I want to take cats, dogs, and fish as seperate values to display on a page like this:
Emma likes cats
John likes dogs
Jane likes fish
Using the response.write variable ofcourse.
I know how to seperate the values into <br>'s but I don't know how to access them seperatley as values.
Thanks for any help