I'm currently faced with a problem where I have a persons name as a single string. There is currently no stringent format applied to this name, i.e. it may be MR JOE BLOGGS, J BLOGGS ESQ, MRS JOANNE BLOGGS F.R.C.S, MR.J.BLOGGS ... you see what I'm getting at.
I need to convert this string into it's component parts - Title, Forename, Surname, Suffix and am having some success with awk, but it's proving difficult getting it to match every conceivable pattern of name.
Has anyone else had experience of this sort of exercise? I don't want someone to do it for me (unless it's been done already) but any ideas would be appreciated.
I need to convert this string into it's component parts - Title, Forename, Surname, Suffix and am having some success with awk, but it's proving difficult getting it to match every conceivable pattern of name.
Has anyone else had experience of this sort of exercise? I don't want someone to do it for me (unless it's been done already) but any ideas would be appreciated.